
ID873 - Call Summary to Help Desk Overview & Sample:

Sends a summary to your customer's Help Desk of all call activity for the recent period.

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Notifies your customer's Help Desk of the status of all open calls and also includes all calls closed since the last summary was sent.  Designed as a companion alert to ID54, which notifies Help Desk of new call Opened/Dispatched/Closed, but can be used on its own.

Run Schedule:  Choose Weekdays, Mondays, 1st and 15th of Month, or Monthly

Type of Output: Email


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We can customize verbiage, logo, font, and color (please provide specific Custom Color/Shade Numbers-RGB Red/Green/Blue) to match your branding.  Please see here for more information on customizing your emails sent to customers.

ID873 Sample.jpg


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Variable W: Custom Property set at Customer Level that enables the alert and sets frequency of Daily, Weekly, 1st and 15th of Month, or Monthly.

Variable X: Custom Property set at Customer Level for Help Desk contact who should receive alerts (suggested to use the same recipient as ID54 if also subscribed to that alert).


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Sends an email to your customer's Help Desk contact showing the status of all open calls and also includes all calls closed since the last time the report ran.

2. We will set this alert up in test mode first as it is a customer facing alert for you.  While in test mode, alert will only send to any email(s) listed in the TO/CC/BCC of your alert subscription.  You can safely enter the actual Help Desk contact in the Custom Property field of the customer record since the alert is not wired to consider those emails while in test mode.

Once you've reviewed sample emails and feel comfortable with the alert's functionality, then you can let us know at that you're ready to go live.

3. Alert looks to Custom Property on Customer record to determine how often to send.  Use ZCJ873SummaryFreq to set frequency of Weekdays, Mondays, 1st and 15th of Month, or Monthly:

ID873 Frequency Customer Cust Prop.jpg

4. Sends an email to the contact listed in the Custom Property ZCJ873SummaryRecip on the Customer record. Contact must have a valid email address on their contact record:

ID873 Recipient Customer Cust Prop.jpg

5. Looks to Bill To Customer on the service call, so Custom Properties need only be set at the Bill To Customer level if using best practice of setting up Parent/Child relationships in eAutomate.  More on this best practice here.

ID873 Bill To Customer.jpg

6. Must have both Custom Properties populated with a value on the Customer record or alert will not send a notification to your customer.

7. Alert considers ALL Call Types, not only those of Corrective Maintenance and Preventative Maintenance Call Type Code.

    Call Type Codes can be found in Lists & Codes under Call Types:

ID873 Call Type Code.jpg

Multiple Contacts:

Multiple Contacts:

As of version 20180608: If you need this alert to go to more than one fixed email address, you can add additional emails in the Other emails section of the Contact Record set in the custom property to receive the alert. If you have multiple emails listed in the Other emails field, please separate them with a semi-colon. **You MUST be on the current version of the alert to have this functionality work. See below on how to check your version and email us at to get updated.


Check your Revision Log by clicking on the tab in your ID873 Subscription:



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. If you are running ID54 and want ID873 to send to the same contact, be sure to add that same contact to the Custom Property ZCJ873SummaryRecip.  You can also send ID873 to a different contact if needed.

Send From Email Settings

Send From Email Settings

Consider the FROM email on your alert subscription since this will be sending to your Customers.  We suggest using an email like service@ or dispatch@ so that should your customer reply on the the email, your staff will receive and can respond accordingly.  You can change on subscription, BUT FIRST check with your IT Department to ensure ceojuice user has permissions to "send as" (not on behalf of)  the email address listed here on your subscription (otherwise emails won't actually get to your customers and we have no way of knowing that is happening).  Then let us know so we can test to make sure.

Click here for instructions on needed permissions for ceojuice user to send as.

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Custom Property Set Up

Custom Property Set Up

Step 1 - Create ZCJ873SummaryFreq Attribute:

Create new Attribute named ZCJ873SummaryFreq via Tools / Lists & Codes / Attributes:

Attribute Name:  ZCJ873SummaryFreq

Description: Frequency to send Call Summary to Help Desk

Data Type: User-Defined Lookup

Lookup List:




1st of Month

ID873 Attribute Frequency.jpg


Step 2 - Create ZCJ873SummaryRecip Attribute:

Create new Attribute named ZCJ873SummaryRecip via Tools / Lists & Codes / Attributes:

Attribute Name: ZCJ873SummaryRecip

Description: Recipient for sending ID873 Call Summary to Help Desk

Data Type: Lookup

Lookup Type: CM Contact Active (under Contacts lookup group)

ID873 Attribute Recipient.jpg


Step 3 - Add each Attribute to Customer Configuration:

Tools / Lists & Codes / Configurations (custom properties)

Use quick add feature and do not set a default value

ID873 Configuration.jpg


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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID54 - To Notify Customer's Help Desk When a Service Call is Opened/Dispatched/Closed/Canceled/Invoiced


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