The CEO Juice website can be accessed via: You can view/search all of our alerts without logging in. Simply click on "Problems We Solve" in the upper right to see a full list of alerts.
To search for alerts your organization is subscribed to, edit alerts or view survey details, you'll need to log into the site. Your login will be your email; we will have emailed you your password.
Login in via main page:
If you have forgotten your password, will automatically send you a reset your password email, click on the Forgot your password? link on the login screen:
See THIS LINK for password reset details. Please email with any issues.
Once logged in, use the menu options in the upper right to navigate the site:
Surveys: Option to go to Dashboard (More details here) or Surveys.
Subscriptions: Takes you to all CEO Juice alerts and their details. From here you can subscribe, edit/add subscribers, and search for alerts. Please follow THIS LINK on how to search for and subscribe to alerts.
Profile: This section shows your account details, and is where you can change your password or update your email address. See who has a login in to this site, their permissions and edit/add contacts (see THIS LINK for help with adding new users)
Admin Users can also use this section to update your company address, phone, etc. as well as let us know what software you use, manufacturers you service for and more! See THIS LINK for more details.
Support: Information on how to reach the CEO Juice team when you have a question or need help resolving an issue.
Resources: Just one click away from accessing our supporting documentation and help articles on many of our alerts providing you more detail and variable information. Search by ID# in format ID109 (no space).
Feedback: A place where you can offer enhancement requests, see feedback from other clients on alerts or just tell us the things you like or dislike! (More details on this here).
**We recommend Chrome for browser as it seems to perform best**
Other helpful links:
- Click Here for some recommended searches.
- If you have been running CEO Juice for a few months or longer then click here for a best way to review.
- Click Here for changing active alert subscription settings.
- Click here to bulk update recipients on alerts, or see all alerts a user is receiving.