
ID65 - Leases Still Active and Expiring Within W months (for Sales) Overview & Sample:

Alerts sales reps of leases expiring within a set number of months.

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Alerts sales reps to leases that are expiring within the # of months you specify as Variable W. Leases expiring within W months will continue to appear on this report until they are marked InActive. This report will also pull the last note off of the lease from the eAutomate notes where the notetype = Variable X.


Run Schedule: 1st of the Month

Type of Output: Email


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Sample:  When run in Summary Mode no equipment will show:


 When run in Detail Mode all equipment listed on the equipment tab in Service Leases will show:


  **Requires equipment be linked to Service Lease Record**

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Variable W: Months till expiration: Number of months until the lease expiration date to show on the alert. The default is 18.

Variable X: Note type used for lease: Note type in eAutomate notes on lease.

Variable Y: Alternate email to use: Alternate email to use when there is no sales rep associated with the customer record.

Variable Z: Detail or Summary: Enter detail or summary to indicate the mode you want the output to be in. The default is detail. **Detail mode includes equipment details on the lease, if you do not associate equipment records to the leasing record, choose summary to ensure you get the output.

Variable 1: Lease Codes to exclude: Enter any lease codes to exclude from the alert, separated by a comma. Leave blank to report on all.

Variable 2Branch Numbers: Enter the branch numbers for the alert to trigger on, separated by a comma. Leave blank for all branches.


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

-Alert determines sales rep to send to by first looking to ID320 subscription and if nothing present will look to the customer record in eAutomate.

-Equipment Tab of Service Leases in Eautomate:  


-If alert set to send to Sales Rep Manager, manager will receive separate email for each reps leases (summary for all reps by manager not available)



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips


- See this link on best practices for lease setup in eAutomate.


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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID64 - Preview of lease end information for admin to ensure accuracy

ID667 - App to update lease records in eAutomate.

ID799 - Alerts technicians to not install parts on equipment at lease end.


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