This App is to merge or deactivate duplicates in eAutomate. We started with Item Records and now have Contact Records (Feb 2020) with plans to expand to others (i.e. Customers).
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Overview | Accessing | Sample | App Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts
This App is to merge or deactivate duplicates in eAutomate. We started with Items, then added Contacts but plan to expand to customers, etc.
For Items we will find what we believe are duplicates and allow a quick process for merging, ignoring or making inactive. For contacts, we use a points system to suggest duplicates and the App will auto merge while allowing you to choose which fields from each merged contact remain.
We suggest you run our process to Make inactive before merging, ID337 for Items, ID479 for Contacts (Choose Tag of Make Inactive).
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1. Access via URL: http://<webserver>:8888
(replace <webserver> with the name of the server where the ceojuice software is installed, the Juice box). Email us at if you do not know the name.
2. For ECi hosted clients, please see THIS LINK on accessing your apps.
4. Login using your credentials. Missing needed permissions? Please use THIS LINK on how to set access.
5. Select de-dupe
6. Home/Main Screen:
Menu provides access to Items duplicates and Contacts duplicates, can also select database you're working in (for Items duplicates ONLY). This allows for using against eAuto Test Database for new users in training. If you don't see a Test Database listed, please email us at with location of your Test Database (you may need your IT Dept to provide to us).
7. To change database:
(1) Change database connection by clicking on Current DB in top menu bar. (TOP of app will always show which database you're using (CEOJuice = LIVE eAuto database))
(2) Database drop down selection (this is only available for duplicate Items, not Contact Records)
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Contacts Duplicates:
Item Duplicates:
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App Functionality
App Functionality
Contacts Functionality
Contacts Functionality
**Requires active subscription to alert ID735/Duplicate Contact Records
**Be sure you have ID479/Deactivate Contacts running FIRST - this will save you A LOT of time!
-We are not able to set the Duplicate Contacts part of this app to look at your Test database
-Contact Records are considered duplicates based on point system in our SQL logic. Any contacts "awarded" 5+ points (8 points max) will be considered a potential duplicate by this alert.considered:
1. Phone Number - for each Contact Record with the same phone number = 1 Point
2. Email Address - for each Contact Record with same email address or email address only different by one character = 1 Point
3. Zip Code - for each Contact Record with same zip code (first 5-digits only) = 1 Point
4. City/State - for each Contact Record with same City/State combo = 1 Point
Logic considers phonetic matches for City (not State)
5. First Name - if first or last name is exact match (or phonetic) = 2 points
Logic considers phonetic matches. For example: Shawn=Sean OR Todd=Tod OR John=Jon
6. Last Name - if first or last name is exact match (or phonetic) = 2 points
Logic considers phonetic matches. For example: Shawn=Sean OR Todd=Tod OR John=Jon
**if no match on either First or Last Name, then Contact Record NOT considered duplicate (even if any other qualifiers exist)**
These points are shown in app in column 'Similarity':
Contacts Home:
Top of Home Screen shows Last Refreshed date. This is the last time ID735/Duplicate Contact Records ran (typically weekly) which is what the app uses to populate duplicates:
There can be a lot of potential duplicates, so we suggest using filters to search by name, starts with, auto suggest and decide if helpful to show inactive records or not to narrow down.
App shows Contact Record details including which Customer Record(s) linked, email address, if Active Record AND if eInfo password exists as these are Key fields to consider when merging.
If Contact Record has an eInfo password, you likely want to keep that Contact Record otherwise user will not be able to login to eInfo:
App shows "similarity" which is the points equivalent
Once you have determined which Contact Record to keep, select K for Keep that record and can then select which Contact Record(s) to merge and/or Ignore:
Select Keep / Merge / Ignore:
Keep = select Contact Record you wish to keep
Merge = select Contact Record you'd like to merge into the Contact Record you've kept
Ignore = select when Contact Record should be kept and ignore as possible duplicate. Even though alert ID735 fires daily, the app will remember any Contact Record set to ignore and will not consider again.
We also suggest leaving the Auto Suggest filter checked to help identify duplicates:
Once you have identified duplicate Contacts and have selected Keep / Merge, the app shows which records you've identified as such on top:
If the Contact Record you are NOT keeping contains information you wish for the Contact Record you are keeping to be updated with (i.e. email address in sample below), (1) check the box and then (2) select merge:
(You can also use the trash icon to remove that record from merge transaction)
Once merged, the Contact Record identified as Merge (Child) will be removed from eAuto.
Contact Merges:
The Contact Merges shows all the merge activity completed:
Contact Merges shows in black the Contact Record Number and basic info on record kept, Contact info in red is what Contact Record Number was deleted, also shows IP address of computer user who completed merge:
Contact Ignores:
Shows what Contact Records have been set to be ignored for any duplication. These records will always be ignored, unless you select 'Remove':
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Items Functionality
Items Functionality
-The item match occurs using the relationship between these 3 tables: ICItems, ICItemVendors, ICItemVendorMfgNumbers
Items Home Filter
Can filter Item, Qty, Category, Inventory Code
Item Match Filter
Can filter to (1) only consider Active Item Records and set on (2) how match is considered (Item Number, Item Vendor, Item Mfg Number):
Use Item Match Filter to exclude Items to consider (i.e. some clients use -R at end of Item Number to indicate no longer used/recycled Item Number)
Exclusion based on character contains, starts with OR ends with:
Shows in Summary when existing filter in use:
Filter also applied in Item Summary:
Quick link to Item Summary on Home Page
Use Drop Down under Items to navigate
Item Summary shows duplicates by category by year with hyperlink to details:
(1) See by ID number assigned to duplicate entry or
(2) check box(s) and select Preview Merge to see details:
ID Level:
Merge Preview:
Option to:
(1) Keep Item Number / Description / Yield / Preferred Vendor
(2) Flip direction of which merges into what
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
-If the app stops on the item merge, try doing a few records at once, as someone could have a lock on an item record. Best practice is to use the tool when activity is super light or after hours. if someone has an item record locked in SQL. It’ll get stuck.
-Wanting to get rid of Item Records for items you no longer sell? This app is great resource when needing to remove/merge a large list of Item Records into one Item Record. For example, if you are no longer selling Office Supplies, this app is quick way to merge all those Office Supply Item Records into one Item Record.
-For Items, this process will add the "merge from" item's vendor manufacturing number to the item number history of the "merge into" item's same vendor. No other history from the previous item will be saved. See below for where this shows up.
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID337 - Mark Item Records Inactive (best to be sure this is running first before using app to merge duplicates to save you time!)
ID479 - Mark Contact Records Inactive (best to be sure this is running first before using app to merge duplicates to save you time!)
ID735 - Duplicate Contacts (REQUIRED for Merge Duplicate Contacts in de-dupe app)