
ID912 - e-automate to ConnectWise Ticket Push Overview & Sample:

This process is designed to move calls from e-automate to ConnectWise to be worked; when the service call in e-automate is assigned to a specified technician, the sync will create a service ticket in ConnectWise. Use ID965 to sync the closed ticket from ConnectWise back to e-automate.

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This process will take pending service calls from e-automate that are assigned to a specified "dummy" technician and create service tickets in ConnectWise. The service call in e-automate will be updated with the ConnectWise ticket number in the call description field and will be placed on hold while the ticket is being worked in ConnectWise. As the ticket is worked in ConnectWise, call notes are added to the e-automate call when the status of the ticket in ConnectWise changes or a note is added to the ticket. When the call is closed in ConnectWise, you can use ID965 to add the time entries from ConnectWise to the original call in e-automate. If you do not use ID965, you will need to manually release the call in e-automate from hold, add at least one time entry and close the call.


You will need to be subscribed to ID747 (ConnectWise Customer Sync) for the customer mapping as that is required for this integration to work. In addition, you will need to be subscribed to ID965 to update the call in e-automate when the ticket is closed in ConnectWise. 


Run Schedule: Every 15 minutes

Type of Output: Sync/Email


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Jump to: e-automate Service Call | ConnectWise Ticket | Call Notes | Email Notification

EA Call

e-automate Service Call

Step One: The call to be moved to ConnectWise is assigned to the "dummy" technician and set with a status of Pending.

sample step one.jpg

1. Technician - call is assigned to technician indicated in variable W. Details on creating the technician record here.

2. The call must be in the pending status to be picked up by the sync.

Step Two: The sync processes the call and places the call on hold in e-automate. Upon successful ticket creation, the ticket number is added to the problem description in e-automate.

sample step two.jpg

1. The call in e-automate will be placed on hold once it has been created in ConnectWise. You specify the on-hold code to use in Variable 8. More information on on-hold codes here. **ALL CALLS PROCESSED BY THE SYNC WILL BE PLACED ON HOLD IN E-AUTOMATE EVEN IF THE TICKET FAILS TO CREATE IN CONNECTWISE**

2. Once the ticket has been created in ConnectWise, the call in e-automate will have the call description updated with the ticket number from ConnectWise.

CW Ticket

ConnectWise Service Ticket

sample step three.jpg

Yellow shaded areas - pulled from e-automate service call

1. Summary - The first 100 characters of the problem description will be entered into the summary field. This is a required field in ConnectWise so you must have something entered into the problem description in e-automate.

2. Company - The company will be the matching customer from e-automate. Notes on company linking are here.

3. Contact information - The contact name and phone will be pulled from the caller field on the call in e-automate.

4. Agreement - If the call in e-automate has a contract assigned, and the contract is one updated by ID964, the sync will assign that linked agreement to the ticket in ConnectWise. If you have any defaults set for new records, those will be applied by ConnectWise next. If neither of these applies, the ticket will be created with no agreement assigned. See here for more details on the agreement linking.

Red shaded areas - set in ID912 variables

5. Board - The board is set in Variable 1. Details on board setup are here.

6. Status - The status is set in Variable 2. Details on the status setup are here.

7. Type - The type is set in Variable 7. Details on creating ticket types are here.

8. Impact/Urgency - The impact and urgency are set in variables 4 and 5. Details on these fields are here. 

9. Priority - The priority on the ticket is set in variable 6. Details on priority here.

**The sync does not assign a member to the ticket in ConnectWise**

Call Notes

Call Notes

When the ticket is created in ConnectWise, the sync will add an internal note with the call number, call type, and caller information from e-automate:

internal note.jpg

The full problem description from the call in e-automate is also added as a discussion/external note.

external note updated.jpg

As the ticket is worked in ConnectWise, the call notes will be updated in e-automate:

updated ea call notes.jpg

1. When the status of the ticket changes in ConnectWise.

2. When any note is added to the ticket, either internal or discussion and any time entry notes.

The note type shown for these updates matches what you set in variable 7.

Email Notification

Email Notification

You will receive an email notification each time the sync attempts to insert a call into ConnectWise. Each service call will only be reported once on this email. Be sure to review the email for calls with FAIL in the Fail Flag column as these calls were NOT created in ConnectWise and will remain in the pending status in e-automate.

Call inserted: The CW Ticket Number column has the ticket number from ConnectWise

updated email created ticket.jpg

Call Failed: The Fail Flag column shows FAIL and the CW Ticket Number column shows 0, indicating the call was not inserted into ConnectWise. The reason for the failure to create the ticket is reported in the Integration Error column.

updated email failed to create ticket.jpg

See here for details on potential errors.

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Set up

Set Up

Jump to: EA Settings | CW Settings | Subscribe to Alerts

EA Settings

EA Settings

1. Create the "dummy" technician that will be used as the trigger to create calls in ConnectWise. See here for instructions on how to create the technician. This technician should only be assigned to tickets that should sync to ConnectWise. You'll add the number for the technician into variable W.

2. Determine an on-hold code to be set on the call while it is being worked in ConnectWise. See here for notes on creating on-hold codes. The on-hold code will go in variable 8. Be aware that this on-hold code will be used for calls that are successfully created in ConnectWise AND calls that fail to create.

CW Settings

CW Settings

1. Determine the board to use in ConnectWise, all tickets created by ID912 will be added to this board. See more details on boards here.

2. All tickets created by the sync will have the same ticket status, see details here on where to find the ticket statuses on the board the sync will create the tickets on.

3. The priority of the tickets created in ConnectWise will be the priority specified in variable 6. See details on the priorities in ConnectWise here.

4. The ticket impact and severity are both settings that you set in the variable settings, all tickets created by the sync will have the same impact and severity. See more details on these options in ConnectWise here. 

5. All tickets created by the sync will have the same initial ticket type. See details here on how to find the ticket type in ConnectWise.

Subscribe to Alerts

Subscribe to Alerts

1. Once you have the settings in ConnectWise and e-automate determined, subscribe ID912 on our website.  If you don't have a login to our subscription site, you can email to have us set you up with a login. 

2. If you are not already subscribed to ID747, you'll need to subscribe to that alert as well. See this link if you have questions on the variables for ID747.

3. ID965 is not required for ID912, but if you want to "close the loop" and update the service call in e-automate with the time entries from the linked call in ConnectWise, you'll need to subscribe to ID965. Additionally, once the ticket is closed in ConnectWise, ID965 will release the call from hold in e-automate and move it to the Ok to Invoice status.

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Variable 3.png

Variable 3: Ticket Source - Option to specify the source name in ConnectWise for tickets created by ID912, this variable is available beginning in the 20250128 version. Optional, the default is Email Connector. More details on ticket source are here.


Variable 1: Board - The name of the service board in ConnectWise that the ticket will be created on. Details on how to find the ConnectWise boards here. **Required by the ConnectWise API to create a new ticket. 

Variable 2:  Status Name - The status from ConnectWise that the newly created ticket will use. Details on where to find the ConnectWise statuses here.  **Required by the ConnectWise API to create a new ticket.


Variable 4:   Impact - The assigned impact on the newly created ticket in ConnectWise. Options are Low, Medium or High. More details on the ConnectWise impact settings here. **Required by the ConnectWise API to create a new ticket.

Variable 5:  Severity - The assigned severity on the newly created ticket in ConnectWise, options are Low, Medium or High. More details on the ConnectWise severity settings here. **Required by the ConnectWise API to create a new ticket.

Variable 6: Priority - The assigned priority on the newly created ticket in ConnectWise. Details on where to find the ConnectWise priority list here. **Required by the ConnectWise API to create a new ticket variables_3.jpg

Variable 7:  Ticket Type - The ticket type from ConnectWise to be used on the newly created ticket. Details on where to find the ConnectWise ticket types here. **Required by the ConnectWise API to create a new ticket

Variable W:  EA Dummy Technician - Technician to use in e-automate to indicate that the service call should be created in ConnectWise. Enter the employee number from e-automate. Only to be used with the ConnectWise integration, not a technician assigned calls for any other purpose. Details on how to create this technician here. **Required.

updated var 8.jpg

Variable 8: OnHold Code for EA Call - On Hold code from e-automate to be used to place service call on hold once the sync has processed the service call. Details on creating an on-hold code here.  **Required

Variable 9: NoteType - Note type from e-automate to use for notes added based on ConnectWise ticket status changes and notes added. See details on note types here.

variable 11.jpg

Variable 11: ConnectWise Credentials - Select the credentials to use from the drop-down. Only needed if you have more than one set of API credentials on the CEOJuice website.


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There are two parts to testing the ID912 sync, setting up the testing environment and then testing the creation of calls in ConnectWise.

Jump to: Testing Options | Testing Checklist

Testing Options

Testing Options

You’ll need to determine which testing option to use. Regardless of which option you choose, you'll need to provide a list of companies from ConnectWise to test with. These should be companies that DO NOT have automatic emails set up to send when a new ticket is created in ConnectWise. 

**If you have ID965 currently running in production, the option that you chose for testing will affect how you can test using ID965 to bring the time entries from the completed ticket back into e-automate**

Option 1: Move calls from a test e-automate database to a test ConnectWise database.

   Having a test ConnectWise database is not always an option, but going from a test e-automate to a test ConnectWise is the cleanest test of the sync that won't affect your production data. If you have ID965 running in production, using a test ConnectWise database is the only option that allows a clone of ID965 to run in test mode and push the completed time entries from ConnectWise back to the service call in e-automate on the regular automated schedule.

Option 2: Move calls from a test e-automate database to the production ConnectWise database.

   Using a test e-automate database to create the calls to move to ConnectWise allows for the creation of service calls without the worry of the test calls getting mistaken for “real” service calls in e-automate. These test tickets will be pushed to production ConnectWise, we would recommend using the XYZ Test Company in ConnectWise for testing. Once testing is done, you'll need to delete the test tickets from ConnectWise. If you are running ID965 in production and chose this option, CEOJuice will have to manually trigger ID965 to push just the test calls from ID912 to the test e-automate database.

Option 3: Move calls from the production e-automate database to the production ConnectWise database.

     If you would like to, you can do your testing from your production e-automate database to the production ConnectWise database. This option requires the most care to ensure tickets and invoices do not get accidentally sent to your customers!! In addition to carefully selecting your customers to test with, you need to be cautious of not invoicing the service calls in e-automate. If you are running ID965 in production, setting the test ConnectWise tickets to the status to sync will "close the loop" and bring the time entries from ConnectWise back to e-automate. You must take extreme care to ensure that these tickets do not send invoices out to your customers!! Once testing is complete, you'll need to delete the test tickets from ConnectWise and cancel the test calls in e-automate.

Depending on the testing option chosen, you’ll need to set up one or more of the following:

1. API Keys in ConnectWise – required for all options, these may already be in place if you are using other portions of the ConnectWise sync. New keys do not need to be created. If you are going to use a test ConnectWise database, you’ll need to create a set of API keys for that database. Details on creating API keys here.

2. ConnectWise test Database – required for option one. If using a test ConnectWise database, you’ll need to create a set of API keys for that database.

3. e-automate test Database – required for options one and two. See this link for notes on creating a test e-automate database.

4. CEOJuice test database – required for options one and two. See this link for notes on creating a test CEOJuice database.

Once these setup steps have been completed, please let us know and we will install the process for testing.

Testing Checklist

Testing Checklist

To test the functionality of ID912, follow these steps:

1. Create one service call in e-automate under one of the specified test customers and assign the "dummy" technician specified in variable 1.

      The test customer used is extremely need to make sure that the mapped company in ConnectWise is not set to automatically email the user of a new service ticket entered and cause confusion.

2. Verify that the ticket is created in ConnectWise, within 15 minutes of assigning the call in e-automate to the "dummy" technician.

3. Check that the call in e-automate has been updated to show the ConnectWise ticket number in the description field and placed on hold with the on-hold code from variable 8.

4. Change the status of the ticket in ConnectWise, within 15 minutes, the call notes in e-automate should update with the status change from ConnectWise.

5. Add both internal and external discussion notes to the tickets in ConnectWise and verify that within 15 minutes a new call note is added to the service call in e-automate.

6. Test a couple of tickets moving from e-automate to ConnectWise to verify how the process works.

7. Close the ticket in ConnectWise and verify that ID965 brings the time entries back to the service call in e-automate properly.

**If you are testing this in production e-automate, be VERY careful to NOT invoice the call in e-automate once ID965 has flipped the call to Ok to Invoice. You will want to cancel these test calls to not cause confusion in the service history for the customers.

Once you have finished your testing, let us know and we can move the sync to production for you.

Prior to moving to production, you must delete all test tickets from ConnectWise to ensure none of those tickets gets imported into the production e-automate!!

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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

In e-automate, calls that should be moved to ConnectWise are assigned to a "dummy tech" (variable W) to indicate the call should be created in ConnectWise. A new ticket will be created on the specified ConnectWise service board (variable 1) with the specified status (variable 2). The priority, impact, and severity from the alert variables will be used on each ticket created. The call in e-automate will be placed on hold while the ticket is worked in ConnectWise. Once the call is placed on hold in e-automate, do not change the on hold code.

To have the time entries from the ticket in ConnectWise sync back to e-automate, you need to be subscribed to ID965. Once the call is completed in ConnectWise, the time entries will be added as labor records on the original call. The call will then be removed from on hold and be set to Ok to Invoice. If you do not have ID965 running, you will need to manually release the call from hold and add the labor entries to the call. ID912 does NOT release calls from being on hold.

Jump to: Source | Board | Status | Priority | Impact/Severity | Ticket Type | Dummy Technician | On Hold Code | Notes | Agreement Linking | Errors | Cloning


Ticket Source

The source on tickets created by ID912 will default to 'Email Connector', starting with the 20250116 version of ID912, you can specify the source to use to create tickets in Variable 3. 

The ticket sources are set in the setup tables, under Source List:


Either use an existing source, or you can create a new one. This source will then be used on the tickets created by ID912:

source on ticket.png

CW Board

ConnectWise Board

All tickets created by the sync will post to the service board specified in variable 1. You can see the list of boards in ConnectWise by going to the setup tables - service boards:


Choose one board to be used for all calls created by ID912. 


CW Status

ConnectWise Status

All tickets created by the sync will have the same initial status. Status is found in ConnectWise by going to the specific service board and clicking on the Statuses tab. Go to the setup tables - Service board and select the correct board. Then click on the Statuses tab:


Choose one status to use for all tickets created.


CW Priority

ConnectWise Ticket Priority

Priorities in ConnectWise are used on Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to determine the impact/urgency and priority of a service ticket. Priorities can be found in the setup tables, under Service:


Choose one priority to be used on all tickets created by the sync.


CW Severity/Impact

ConnectWise Ticket Severity/Impact

Severity and Impact each have three different options: Low, Medium, and High. You can view these designations in the setup tables, under Severity:


You will enter either Low, Medium or High for the Severity and either Low, Medium or High for the Impact. The values will be used for all calls created by ID912.


CW Ticket Type

ConnectWise Ticket Type

Each ticket created by the sync will have the same ticket type used. The ticket types are specific to each service board. To find the list, go to the setup tables and open the specific service board where the tickets will be created. Then click on the Types tab:


Select one type from the list to be used for all tickets created by ID912.


EA Dummy Tech

e-automate Technicians

A "dummy" technician will need to be created and will be used to trigger the sync to create a ticket in ConnectWise. 

To create the technician in e-automate, go to the People menu and select Employees/Contractors. Then click on New to create a new employee:


The value entered in the Number field (CWTech in this example) is the value to enter into the variables on the alert. This employee will also have to be set as a technician, click on the Positions tab and check the box for Technician. When the technician box is selected, you will also need to set a territory, delivery method, warehouse, and bin:


Hold Code

On-Hold Code

Once the call has been processed by the sync the call will be placed on hold, unless the call fails to create in ConnectWise and then the status will remain as pending in e-automate. Once the sync places the call in e-automate on hold, DO NOT CHANGE THE ON HOLD CODE TO A DIFFERENT ON HOLD CODE. Changing the on hold code will cause issues with ID965 releasing the on hold when it updates the call with the time from ConnectWise. 

We recommend creating a new status in e-automate that would indicate that the call is being worked in ConnectWise:


1. The on-hold code will be the value entered into variable 8.

2. Check the box for service so that the code is available to be used on service calls.

3. Check the box to Calculate response time using release date and time so that the time on hold won't be included in response time.


Call Notes

As the ticket in ConnectWise is worked, specific activities can post back to e-automate as a note added to the service call. The status of the ticket changing and notes being added to the ticket will both trigger notes to be added to the service call in e-automate.

To create a new note type to use for this, in e-automate, go to the Tools menu and Lists and Codes - Note Types:


Enter the note type in Variable 9 on the alert.

To see the notes on the service ticket in e-automate, right click on the call and choose the Call Notes option:


Notes are added when:

1. The call status changes.

2. An internal note is added.

3. A discussion/external note is added.

Agreement Linking

Agreement Linking

Agreements are added to the ticket in ConnectWise based on this process:

1. The call in e-automate has a contract assigned that is one being updated by ID964. In this case, the ticket created in ConnectWise will use this linked agreement.

ea contract example.jpg

cw contract example.jpg

2. If there is no contract on the service call in e-automate, or the contract attached to the call is not one that is updated by ID964, the sync will apply an agreement based on the new record defaults set in ConnectWise. This default agreement would be the one that would populate when a new ticket is created in ConnectWise for the company.

The default for new records is set on the agreement:

new record defaults.jpg

3. If no agreements for the company have a default record set, no agreement will be applied to the ticket when it is created.



Calls that fail to import into ConnectWise will show on an email alert, the email will have 'FAIL' in the first column (Fail Flag) and there will be a 0 in the CW Ticket Number column. If the call fails to be created in ConnectWise, the call will still be placed on hold in e-automate. You will need to correct the error and then release the call from on hold so that the sync can process the call again.

The main reason a call won't create a ticket is that the customer on the call in e-automate is not mapped to a company in ConnectWise. When you get an error report for a call, check these things:

1. The company RecID from ConnectWise is populated in the custom property ZCJ_CW_CompanyID on the e-automate customer record. See details here on how to link customers between the two systems.

2. If the service call in e-automate has a location set that is not the parent location, verify that the location customer is mapped to a site in ConnectWise. Details here on how to map sites to locations.

3. Verify that the variable settings for the ConnectWise values are all valid: Board name, status, ticket type, priority, severity, and impact.

4. The call in e-automate needs to have something in the description field. This maps to the summary field in ConnectWise and is a required field for a service ticket.

Once you have checked and updated any of the above, take the call off of hold in e-automate and the sync should process the ticket on the next run and insert the call.

If all of the above are set correctly, please email with the service call number from e-automate that won't sync.




This alert can be cloned, which means creating multiple subscriptions of the same ID# (ID912). This function will ONLY work if at least ONE of the variables on each subscription is different. Just select + sign to create multiple subscriptions.

See this link for an overview of cloning features.



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

The ID965 service sync is not required to be running, but we do recommend that you have this sync running to close the loop and bring the finished work from ConnectWise back to e-automate. Without running ID965, you will need to manually release the call from hold in e-automate and close it once the work is done in ConnectWise.

The ID964 agreement sync is not required to be running, but if you would like to have the tickets in ConnectWise linked to an agreement, you will need to have ID964 running and use the linked contract for the agreement on the e-automate service call.

Merged/Bundled Tickets

Merged/Bundled Tickets

Merging or bundling tickets in Connectwise is not supported for tickets that are created by ID912, as this causes issues with ID965 closing the ticket in e-automate. Merging tickets in ConnectWise creates one single ticket, all ticket details remain on the Parent ticket. Bundling tickets in ConnectWise creates a Parent - Child relationship on the tickets, with all time entries showing on the parent ticket. In either scenario, if the ticket that was created by ID912 is not the parent ticket, ID965 will not be able to properly close the linked call in e-automate. When this happens, you will need to manually cancel the call in e-automate that created the ticket in ConnectWise.


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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID747 - ConnectWise Customer Sync

ID964 - ConnectWise Agreement Sync

ID965 - ConnectWise Service Call Sync


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