
ID669 MAIN - Online Payments Overview & Sample:

This process is an online payment portal that your customers can use to view, download and pay their invoices. 

Jump to: OverviewImplementation | Testing Phase Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts Webinar | Automated AR | FAQs

More Quicklinks: Payment Gateway and Processors | Customization Available | How the Sync Works Between e-Automate and Payment Portal | Customer Portal Access | Previous Payments and Auto-Pays | Removing Credit Card and/or ACH Fees for Your Customers | Sending Payment Link to Your customer from the Portal

Click to Subscribe



This process is an online payment portal that your customers can access to pay their open invoices to you by either credit card or ACH with a cost to you that is less than a stamp. Your customers can also see an open invoice list as well as download copies of their invoices in this portal. This payment portal is an important part of the full AR Automation that we offer. There are other CEO Juice processes that will integrate with this portal that allow your customer to receive payment notifications, past due and newly generated invoice email notices with a link to pay the invoice directly, and more. 

CEO Juice has partnered with as the payment gateway to implement this platform, and CEO Juice clients will need to onboard with NMI. 

CEO Juice has implemented this payment portal for all our clients to pay our monthly invoices online. Go to and search for your open invoices or email and we will email you a link to an open invoice.


Run Schedule:  N/A

Type of Output: Various: URL browser and email

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The implementation process of ID669 is one that requires for your company and CEO Juice to work together to ensure that you are set up to receive payments, and that the portal is reflecting accurate customer information. Below we offer three ways to understand the implementation process and recommend that you review each. Note that the order of the steps can vary depending on client circumstances.


Written Steps

1) You subscribe for ID669 (payment portal), ID317 (payment notifications) and optional ID437 (Send invoices from e-automate with a link to the payment portal)

2) CEO juice sends your contact information to EVO (Credit Card processor) to apply

3) EVO works with you on the application process. Once approved at EVO, EVO works with Nuvei/Paya (ACH processor) for their approval.

Requirements for applications are below and further information may be required by the payment gateway and processors:

  • Voided check from intended operating bank account for transactions
  • Driver's license matching the signor of the application
  • Business license
  • Bank statements from last 3 months

4) CEO Juice is notified by the processors when the applications are accepted and at that time we let you know that we are good to move forward with install of your payment portal

5) CEO Juice adds internal request to ID437 install to include payment portal link (if you chose to use ID437)
6) CEO Juice creates your account in NMI (payment gateway) which requires a meeting with you and us

         *Note that as soon as your NMI account is created your billing will begin. Your first invoice from NMI will include a set-up fee as well as your normal monthly fee prorated from your NMI account creation date to the end of the current month. The payment for your NMI Invoice will auto-debit from your account typically between the 2nd and 5th of the month.

7) You send CEO Juice your transparent logo and AR email address
8) CEO Juice lets you know when payment portal (ID669) and payment notifications (ID317) have been installed

9) ID437 will be in test mode and sending you daily summary of emails that would have gone out as well as copies of the emails that would have gone out so you can see the way that they look.
10) You register/create login at for the payments site and CEO Juice and let us know when complete and from there we will make you an admin user
            Link on how to use the portal: How to Pay our Invoices on the Juice Payments Portal - Register, Make a Payment,, Set up AutoPay – CEO Juice

11) Wait 24 hours for the invoices to sync from e-automate to the portal after the admin user is created
12) You will need to review the invoices on the portal making sure everything synced properly, including reviewing customized invoices to ensure they are downloading correctly from the site
13) You will create $1 misc. invoices under a test account, watch those sync to the portal and pay them on the portal
14) You will receive payment confirmation email for making these payments (via ID317) and confirm the emails look how you want them to (they can be customized, so let us know)
15) You'll review the misc. invoices in e-automate to ensure they show paid in the system (occurs in real time)
16) You'll receive the settlement report when the funds have settled (72 hours to settle) and at that time you should have received them in your bank account
17) You'll create a cashbook deposit once the funds are in your account

18) You'll review internal processes to roll this out and determine how you will notify your customers of the new payment portal

19) You'll create users in the payment portal for your company and give them admin rights
20) You’ll select 4-6 customers to work with on using the portal as an additional testing phase
21) Once you’ve tested with your customers and you’re ready to go fully live let us know and we’ll work with you to turn ID317 and ID669 live 
22) You’ll let us know when you’re ready to go live with ID437 after you’ve reviewed the samples and the link and we'll work with you to turn off the e-agent task that sends your invoices out currently and turn ID437 live



The first webinar below is an overview of the entire implementation process. The 2nd webinar shows more details on the testing phase of the implementation process.

Testing Phase


Testing ID669.png


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Interact with live 'test' invoices by clicking these hyperlinks: Test Invoice 1, Test Invoice 2, Test Invoice 3.


Sample of payment screen your customers would interact with when sent a link to a specific invoice


Sample of login page


Sample of the Landing Page you see when you login. Note this can be customized with your company's logo and colors.


Sample of being able to search for an invoice without a portal login (must have invoice #, due date and postal code)


Sample of storing payment info and scheduling autopay


Sample of settlement email you receive once payments have settled and been remitted to you from the payment processors:

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Variable 1: Enter the branch number that you want this sync to include. Separate list of multiple with comma or leave blank for all.

Variable 2: Enter the country codes that you want this sync to include. Separate list of multiple with comma or leave blank for all.

Variable 4: Enter the GL account number that you want the credit card fees collected to distribute to. Leave lank if you are not charging fees. Or, if you are charging fees and you leave blank w will use the term discount GL account in your e-automate.

Variable 5: Enter the GL account number that you want the ACH fees collected to distribute to. Leave lank if you are not charging fees. Or, if you are charging fees and you leave blank, we will use the term discount GL account in your e-automate.

Variable 7: Enter the GL department number that you want the credit card and ACH fees collected to distribute to. If left blank it will not allocate to a specific department.

Variable 12: Select Yes or No to answer if your e-automate uses multiple branches or not.

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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

Payment Gateway and Processors

Payment Gateway and Processors

We have partnered with for the payment gateway for this process, CEO Juice clients will need to onboard with NMI. Click here for credit application information. Click here for details on how the onboarding process works.

Things to know:

  • Payment Gateway versus Payment Processor:
      • A payment gateway is a network that collects, verifies and performs fraud checks on customer's credit card information before sending it to the payment processor. The transaction begins and ends in the payment gateway.
      • A payment processor is a service that routes a customer's credit card information between the customer's bank and the merchant bank.
  • By default, below are the payment processors that will be used through the NMI gateway. If there is an alternate payment processor that you'd like to use they must be an NMI approved processor.
      • Nuvei (formerly Paya) - ACH/Check processor
      • EVO - Credit card processor
  • Rates and Fees 
      • Rates from NMI (subject to change)
        • $7.50 monthly fee for vault (vault enabled allows any stored payment information such as auto-pay)
        • $9-$11.50 monthly per payment processor
        • $0.26 per transaction for ACH (same cost to refund ACH payments)
          • Additional 0.15% fee added to any transactions over $25k (see here for more details on $25k+ ACH payment requirements)
          • There are no additional fees for how many open/pending transactions there can be at 1 time per customer routing/account #, but there is a $50k limit per customer per week for open/pending transactions. If increase is needed reach out to
        • $0.123 per transaction for credit cards (same cost to refund credit card payments)
        • $0.07 per vault setup or updated by user
        • $25 return fee per returned ACH transaction
        • Click here to understand how often you'll be billed
      • Rates from EVO (credit card processor) can vary and you'll be quoted at the time of application
  • It could be costing you approx. $0.80 to "snail mail" one invoice currently, see details!

Customization Available

Customization Available

  • The payment portal is customizable to reflect your company including your logo and brand colors.
  • You can decide which customers to omit from fees all-together which is managed in the custom properties in the bill to customer record, more on that here
  • By default, the process charges 3% fee amount to all of your customers. If you want this change this % (must be 3% or less) than reach out to to request this. Note that whatever % you have us change it to it will charge that amount to your entire customer base and cannot be done at an individual customer level.

How the Sync Works Between e-Automate and Payment Portal

How the Sync Works Between e-Automate and Payment Portal


  • Every 10 minutes this process is scanning your e-automate database for invoices and will sync the information to the portal.
  • The sync can take longer than 10 minutes if there is a large number of invoices to sync. for example, you do all of your contract billing on the 1st of the month and it's syncing them all that day.
  • $0.00 invoices are also synced to the portal, but your customers cannot see them. They will fall off of the portal after about 30 days. However, if the invoice had a balance due and was paid prior to the invoice syncing to the portal, it will not sync to the portal at all.
  • A PDF copy of the invoice can be downloaded in the portal and this sync can take up to 24 hours. Note that downloadable invoice copies are not available for ECI Hosted clients at this time.
  • If an invoice that previously synced to the portal has now been voided or paid separately in e-automate, the sync will remove the invoice from the portal.
  • In order for the invoices to sync to the portal, the bill to customer record for the invoice must be active

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  • Every 10 minutes this process is scanning payments made in the payment portal and will push them into your e-automate database

  • Payments previously synced to e-automate from this process that are later voided in e-automate will cause the invoice the payment was applied on to re-sync to the portal if the invoice remains open and unpaid
  • Payments pushed into your database from this process all come in as a payment method of credit card, even when the payment was made as an ACH in the portal. However, in the Description of the customer payment in e-automate it will say if it's actually an ACH as seen in the first screen shot below. Further, when the payment is pushed in by this process, e-automate will show that it was entered by the user "cjid669".

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  • The payment will show up in your e-automate cashbook immediately once the payment is pushed into e-automate and will remain there until the payment has settled with NMI (payment gateway). All payments from the portal come in as a method of credit card, even if they are ACH. You'll know it came from the portal because the entered by user id will be "cjid669".

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  • Within 3 business days of the payment being made you will receive a settlement email from NMI and you will then create the deposit in the e-automate cashbook. Note that although this email does send from NMI directly, it will show a "from" address of "" and will look like the below. To receive this settlement email be sure to add the desired recipient email address in the TO/CC fields inside of the ID669 alert in our CEO Juice alerts website.669 73.png
  • When this email is received it will not show a settlement total. In order to find the total, log into the CEO Juice payments portal and search for the settle batch number from the settlement email within the payments area of the portal as show below

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  • Using the settlement detail along with the payment portal, select the transactions within your e-automate cashbook that match the settlement and create the deposit for those together so that it matches the settlement total received in your bank account. 

Customer Portal Access

Customer Portal Access

There are two ways in which your customers can view and pay invoices in the portal, and it is dependent on if they have a login to the portal or not. 

  • Customer can see full list of open invoices, pay any open invoice and manage auto-pay:
    • They've created a login by going to your payment portal website and creating an account and completing the required account confirmation emailed to them.
    • These users must be listed as the AR contact on the bill to customer record in e-automate. The contact record must be active and the email address in the contact record must match the email they created their login to the portal exactly. Email addresses in the main email address and other emails fields will all be able to create logins and access.
    • Note that if you change the AR contact on the bill to customer record that the previous contact will no longer be able to access and the new contact will. 
      • However, note that if an invoice was sent to a contact in the past that the invoice will always have a tie to that recipient's email address. This means that even if that customer end user no longer works at their company, that user can still log in and view/pay that invoice. If this is a concern for your customers, you can stop this by removing the contact from the Contacts tab entirely from the customer's bill to record.
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    • To determine which email addresses are linked to an invoice in the portal:
      • go to the the gear icon in the portal and select Invoices

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      • Search for the customer's invoices. Click on the dropdown on the bottom-right side of the screen and select Emails 1-4. This will add the Email columns to the view. The emails listed in those columns are what is linked to the invoices.
          • Note that the emails listed here are coming from the contact record that the invoice was initially sent to and any emails in that contact record's Other Emails field AND the contact record for the current AR contact and any emails listed in that contact's Other Emails field that's on the bill to customer record. The columns for Email 1-4 don't represent where each email came from (invoice sent to contact or current AR Contact) and may be in a random order

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  • Customers can only see and pay 1 invoice at a time:
    • These users will not have a login to the portal and will instead access each invoice individually by either of the methods described below
      • They received a link to pay an invoice in the email via ID437
      • They received a link you sent them that you copied from the payment portal when viewing that customer's invoices and either clicking on the copy button next to the invoice number or by copying the invoice number (Both will give you the link. The method of copying the invoice number will produce a cleaner looking link).669 38.png
      • They go to and enter the invoice number, invoice date or due date and the postal code (must have all three)669 37.png


Previous Payments and Auto-Pays

Previous Payments and Auto-Pays

Previous Payments:

  • Your customers:
    • Once your customers pay an invoice, the invoice and associated payment are removed from their view immediately. They do not have access to view payment history. However, they do receive payment confirmation for each payment made via ID317.
  • You:
    • You can see payment history for up to 30 days after the payment was made. After that it is removed.


  • Your Customers:
    • Your customers can only set up auto-pay if there is at least 1 invoice that has synced to the portal for their account. The invoice doesn't have to have a balance due in order for it to qualify.
    • Your customers can set up auto-pay to either pay on a specific day of the month or on the due dates of their invoices.
      • Due Date Auto-Pays
        • Runs for invoices due today or prior that qualify.
        • Never pays invoices with due date in the future
      • Specific Day of the Month Auto-Pays
        • Runs for invoices due today that qualify. If the selected date is greater than the number of days in the month (31st, or leap year) then it will run on the last day of the month.
        • Never pays invoices with due date in the future
    • If your customer selects auto-pay to run on a specific day of the month, the first auto-payment will pay ALL open invoices, including those due prior to the auto-pay being created
    • If your customer has auto-pay set up and the payment fails on the day it is scheduled to pull, the payment will be re-run the next 4 days in an attempt to collect the funds. If on the 5th attempt the payment fails again, the auto-pay will be removed from the account. Note that your customer will be receiving notification emails of each failed payment via ID317. 
    • The maximum and minimum auto pay amounts that your customers select in their auto pay applies to the invoice plus fee balance. For example, if the auto pay has a max amount of $250 and there is an invoice open for exactly $250 the auto pay will not run if there is a fee to be charged as well as that exceeds the $250. Note that auto pays also will not partially pay invoices up to the max amount. If the invoice exceeds the max, it will not pay at all. 
    • Auto-pay is linked to the user account that set it up. If the AR contact on the bill to customer record in e-automate changes for this customer, the invoices will no longer be synced to the prior contact and therefore the auto-pay will no longer work. The customer will need to set up auto-pay again under the new contact's login.
    • Customers cannot store payment information in the portal without it being tied to an auto pay.
  • You:
    • You can view all auto-pays set up for your customers by clicking on the auto-pays button from the settings dropdown in the portal (must have admin access)669 41.png
    • You can receive alerts when your customers create new auto-pays or cancel existing ones. To receive these, be sure to add your email address as a recipient in the CEO Juice alerts website for ID669. Below is a sample of what these notices look like.669 74.png

What is Required for an Invoice to be considered Qualified for Auto-Pay:

  • They must be linked to the email address that's linked to the auto-pay (via AR contact in the customer record in e-automate)
  • They must be an approved invoice type per the auto-pay selections
  • The invoice amount must be equal to or less than the maximum payment per invoice amount set in the auto-pay selection
    • Note that auto-pay will pay 1 invoice at a time and will not batch pay. This allows for the maximum invoice amount set in the auto-pay selections to apply on a per invoice basis.


Removing Credit Card and/or ACH Fees for Your Customers

Removing Credit Card and/or ACH Fees for Your Customers

You can remove credit card and/or ACH fees entirely for customers by using custom properties in the Customproperties tab of the bill to customer record in e-automate. You will use ZCJ_PaymentsNoFeeCreditCard to manage credit cards and ZCJ_PaymentsNoFeeCheck to manage ACH.

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Note that the custom properties will only remove the fees on invoices that generated and synced to the payment portal after the custom property was set up for that bill to customer record. Any invoices generated/synced prior to the custom property being set up you'll need to manually remove the fee in the payment portal. See below for how.

Log into the payment portal and from the dropdown on the top right, select Invoices.

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Use the filters to search for the customer that should not receive fees.

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Once the customer's invoices are listed, click on the dropdown next to the invoice number and select to remove CC and ACH fees from the invoice. Note that once the fee has been removed you cannot reinstate it. The solution would be to void and re-invoice and have the customer pay that new invoice once it syncs to the portal with the fee. Or ask client to overpay the invoice by the fee amount and then clear the overpayment internally on your side once payment posts. 

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Sending Payment Link to Your Customer from the Portal

Sending Payment Link to Your customer from the Portal

You can send a link to your customers to click and be able to pay an individual invoice in the portal by pasting a payment link into an email you've drafted outside of the portal or by drafting an email from within the portal. See how to process both options below.

1. Locate the invoice and then right click on either the invoice number hyperlink and copy that link OR click on the Copy button. Paste the copied link in the email you are sending to your customer.

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2. Locate the invoice and click the email icon. This will create a new email from your outlook that includes the payment link. You can edit the recipients before sending.

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3. You can also choose to include multiple invoices in 1 payment link to your customers by check marking which invoices you want included in the link and then selecting to copy batch pay link for the selected invoices.

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Custom Property Set Up

Custom Property Set Up

Follow the steps below to set up the custom properties to be available on your customer records. The below goes over how to create the ZCJ_PaymentsNoFeeCreditCard custom property but you will follow the steps for both.

1) In e-Automate click tools from the top tool bar and then select list & codes

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2) from the list or code type dropdown options select attributes and select New button on the upper-left side

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3) create the new attribute by completing the fields below and clicking OK

attribute name = ZCJ_PaymentsNoFeeCreditCard

description = ID669 No CC Fee

data type = Text Box

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4) from the list or code type dropdown options select configurations (custom properties) and from the configurations list double click on the customer configuration

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5) from the available attributes dropdown select the attribute you created, uncheck the default value box and click quickadd to add it to the selected attributes list. Then click OK to save the configuration. 

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6) you will now see this custom property in your customer custom properties and you can enter your review dates into this field

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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

You will receive charges from NMI (payment gateway) and EVO (credit card payment processor). Note that the NMI charges will include the Nuvei (ACH payment processor) charges. If you are ever needing further clarification on your charges, please see here on how to view NMI billing statements. If the charge is not an NMI charge, it is likely EVO and you can reach out to them at the contact information below. 


Contact Information for the Payment Gateway and Processors:

NMI Merchant Login and Support

EVO Merchant Login and Support (You can register for a merchant login using this link as well as login once you're already registered, if you need assistance reach out to


Nuvei (formerly Paya) Support
+1 888-481-0757 | F +1 855-676-2825 | L USA


Click here for our documentation on Navigating the NMI Gateway Portal - this provides instructions on using the portal to complete tasks such as viewing your billing statements, finding customer transactions, processing virtual payments, issuing refunds, handling transaction failures, and more.

Click here for information on determining if your state can recover credit card fees. This is your responsibility to understand the laws surrounding collecting credit card fees in your state. CEO Juice is not involved in the validation process; we just provide the payment portal through which you can collect the fees should you chose to. 

Click here for how your customers user would navigate the payment portal. The documentation includes information such as how to register for an account, view and pay an invoice, schedule autopay, store payment info and more. This documentation can be rebranded by your company and given to your customers as a portal guide. 

Click here for information on PCI Compliance. This documentation includes NMI's PCI Compliance page as well as our recommendation for additional compliance security. 




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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID213 - Email Customers Past Due Mini Statements (coming soon... a link to the payment portal can be included in the body of the email ID213 sends for your customers to click and pay)

ID305 - Validate Email Address Field on all Contact Records (this will ensure that a contact at every customer can have access to view and pay all invoices as well as set up auto-pay)

ID437 - Email Invoices from Document Queue (available now... a link to the payment portal can be included in the body of the email ID213 sends for your customers to click and pay)

ID317 - Payment Notifications (this process sends your customers notifications when they do things in the portal such as set up auto-pay, make a payment, have a failed payment, and more)

ID767 - Missing AR Contact or Email (this will ensure that the contacts in place in your system are accurate; allowing your customers to view and pay all invoices as well as set up auto-pay)

ID800 - Email Past Due Invoices to Your Customers (coming soon... a link to the payment portal can be included in the body of the email ID800 sends for your customers to click and pay)


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View the webinar below to understand an overview of the ID669 payment process that we offer.

Webinar Recorded October 5, 2023

Automated AR

Automated AR

View the Visio below to understand the flow of AR Automation between various processes that we offer.


AR Process.png




Below are our most commonly asked questions and how to resolve them. If you are unable to resolve after working through the given protocol, please reach out to us at and provide us with the scenario and explain what you have tried in order to resolve it thus far so we know where our troubleshooting should begin.


Q) My customer cannot see their invoices in the portal, but I can see them from my view. What's happening?

A) It is likely that your customer user is not linked to the invoice(s) in the portal and therefore cannot view them. Click here for details on the types of access your customers can have based on how they're set up in your e-automate.

However, there are a couple other reasons why this may be occurring. To troubleshoot, validate the user against the check points below. 

  • Is the user's email address the current AR contact on the bill to customer record in e-automate and the contact record is active? If not, the AR contact on the customer record must match the user's email exactly and the contact record must be active. Correct this and allow up to 24 hours for it to re-sync. 

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  • Is the invoice in the portal linked to the email address of the AR contact from e-automate? To confirm, go to invoices in the portal and locate the invoice(s) in question and select emails 1-4 to add those columns and review the emails in those columns. If the user's email is not listed then it is not linked. If user's was updated as customer record's AR contact today allow until next day for it to re-sync to new email.  669 58.png
  • Has the user confirmed their email address for the portal registration? See FAQ below on how to confirm.


Q) My customer cannot login or reset their password even though they registered for the portal prior. How can this be fixed?

A) It is likely that your customer never confirmed their email address for the portal registration. They'll need to resend the confirmation email to themselves, confirm it and then reset their password if they cannot get in with old one. Below is a screen shot of where these areas are for the customer when they're trying to login.

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Q) Why is an invoice not showing as downloadable in the portal?

A) If you are an ECI hosted client your invoices will not be downloadable. We hope to find a workaround for this in the future. If you are not ECI hosted it is likely that your invoice just recently synced to the portal and it needs another 24 hours to sync the downloadable PDF. 


Q) My bank account was recently debited and I'm not sure what the charges are for. How can I tell?

A) The debit is either from NMI or EVO. See below for information on each.

NMI - see this link on how to access your billing statement on the NMI portal. If the NMI statements do not match the debit, then it's likely from EVO.

EVO - you'll need to reach out to your EVO sales representative that you worked with during onboarding, or you can contact/login to their portal using the information below. We do not manage or have access to their portal so please reach out to EVO directly for any assistance you may need.

EVO Merchant Login and Support (You can register for a merchant login using this link as well as login once you're already registered, if you need assistance reach out to



Q) Why did my customer's auto pay not run to pay their invoices?

A) There is a variety of scenarios that can cause the auto pay to not run for either all or specific invoices for that customer. Validate the cause against the check points below. 

Screen shot below reflect an example of a customer's auto pay

669 60.png1. Is the email address listed in the User column also tied to the unpaid invoices? To confirm, go to invoices in the portal and locate the invoice(s) in question and select emails 1-4 to add those columns and review the emails in those columns. If the user's email is not listed, then it is not linked to the auto pay. If the auto pay is linked to an old AR contact the customer must cancel this auto pay and create a new one under the new contact.

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2. Is the value in the Pay On column (day of the month or due date) conducive to when the unpaid (invoice) was due? Click here for explanation of how the two types of auto pays work. 

3. Is the unpaid invoice(s) in line with the selected min/max payments amounts?

4. Is the unpaid invoice(s) an invoice type that is allowed (indicated as "true") in the AR, SO, SC and Contract columns?

5. Log into the NMI portal and look in transaction to determine if the auto pay attempted to run but failed for some reason. If failed, work with you customer to correct. Click here on how to find transactions in the NMI portal.


Q) Why is my customer receiving a duplicate payment notice when they try to pay two invoices in a row for the same amount?

A) NMI has a failsafe in place that doesn't allow payments in the same amounts to be made one right after another in order to avoid possible duplicate payments. Your customer can either batch pay multiple invoices in one run (if they have an admin login) or they can log out and go back in 20 minutes later and it should allow them to pay. 


Q) Is there a way to see what updates or changes have been made to the payments site for both our customer users and our internal admin users over time?

A) Yes, you can keep up to date with our changes by going to - be sure to replace YOURDOMAIN from this URL with your true company domain. There will also be a hyperlink at the bottom of the site for Change Log that can be accessed alternatively.

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This is especially helpful to validate when you feel something may be different in the portal, or if you're wonder if a previously requested enhancement has been put into place. Below is an example of what you'll see. 

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