ID893 is a custom application we built to allow you to "map" your chart of accounts to the Global Model. This enables you to to run a report that will display your numbers based on the Global chart of accounts without having to change yours. This is a one time exercise and will only need to be updated if you add additional accounts. Our process also allows for multiple "models" if you want your own customized version. We expect this one time exercise to take less than a half day.
See THIS LINK for Employee Mapping within ID893.
1. Access via URL: http://<webserver>:8888
(replace <webserver> with the name of the server where the ceojuice software is installed, the Juice box). Email us at if you do not know the name.
2. For ECi hosted clients, please see THIS LINK on accessing your apps.
4. Login using your credentials. Missing needed permissions? Please use THIS LINK on how to set access.
5. Select financial-mapping
Select The Model SBA2020 (SBA Dealers) or BM2019 (Bering McKinley Dealer) member.
We suggest a sort by Account Number and then filter by whatever accounts you want to map 1st.
Step 1:
Adding Mapping Rule:
Active accounts appear first and are followed by inactive accounts:
2. Add Mapping Rule:
- Use All Depts (will not include transactions with no dept) or pick specific dept via "Add GL Depts 2.
- ALWAYS select ALL Branches
- ALWAYS select all divisions
3. Select the Division - this corresponds to the SBA Survey, for example Imaging corresponds to equipment
4. Select Bucket
**The Bucket and Department MUST relate, for example Equipment Bucket to Equipment Department (often the same)
5. Select Department
**The Bucket and Department MUST relate, for example Equipment Bucket to Equipment Department (often the same). EXCEPTION: (1) Service Supplies Departments correspond to After Market (Sup + Svc) Bucket and (2) MNS Departments correspond to IT Products and IT Service Buckets
6. Select Account
**We recommend printing out your list of available accounts to have alongside you as you map accounts (see below screen shot):
Print this page accessed under Accounts at top of screen to reference for Select Account mapping. This shows you a breakdown of all the accounts and what generally is placed in those accounts.:
7. Once mapped you can see your mapping rules in place:
**(1) be sure to add *Include trans with no dept at 100% if you choose to do so via Mapping Rule
Sample multiple mapping for one GL account, diff departments allocated to different accounts:
Of special note:
We give you the option to Include or exclude all departments (1), GL Branches and GL Divisions. Once you have your selection complete then chose where in the model the selection gets allocated to (2), then click Add Allocation (3).
To map one account to different departments with different allocations, do one complete mapping first to one department (or as many as you wish that are the same), choose save, then add additional mapping rule and map the next department with a different allocation.
Remember if you exclude certain departments you must FIRST go to Included and check All
For situations where you might have a set of revenue accounts that have a matching set of cost of goods accounts we allow you to "clone" the mapping.
You can edit a mapping to make changes
Note that you can choose to allocate just a percentage but if your total allocations do not add up to 100% then the results will be highlighted red.
It's also a good idea to refer directly to your current SBA Survey to assist with mapping, as in the example below if you are unsure of what bucket to place a MNS account between product or services
8. When you are finished mapping, or just want to see what the results look like, click the Update Mapped link and select Update Mapped Data:
Wait for the message to say update complete:
Once mapped you will want to run ID900 to see how the results look, details here.