This process will identify Ship Outs (equipment another dealer is servicing for you/dealers as vendors) and Ship Ins (equipment you service for dealer who placed equipment in your territory/dealers as customer) so you can see how many devices you are sharing between other dealers.
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Overview | Samples | Accessing App and SSRS Report | Variables | App and SSRS Report Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts |
It is not easy to understand from e-automate who all your Ship Outs are and what, if any, business you get back from those dealers (Ship Ins). The App and SSRS report are surveying the same information but do differ in how they show it and what they are able to do.
The App will...
- Identify Ship Outs (equipment another dealer is servicing for you/dealers as vendors) and Ship Ins (equipment you service for dealer who placed equipment in your territory/dealers as customer) so you can see how many devices you are sharing between other dealers.
- Allow you to make changes to certain equipment record fields within the App which update in e-automate instantly.
- Identify issues with Equipment Records configured for ID890 ITT Sync.
The SSRS report will...
- Identify Ship Outs (equipment another dealer is servicing for you/dealers as vendors) and Ship Ins (equipment you service for dealer who placed equipment in your territory/dealers as customer) so you can see how many devices you are sharing between other dealers.
- Show vendor linked contracts within your database.
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App Sample Report:
SSRS Sample Report:
Shows qualifying vendors that match your filter settings. Also shows you if this Vendor set for ID890/ITT Sync:
Drill down detail under vendor, shows customer information:
Last page of report shows Vendor Linked Contract Record details:
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Accessing App
Accessing App and SSRS Report
Accessing App:
1. Access via URL: http://<webserver>:8888
(replace <webserver> with the name of the server where the ceojuice software is installed, the Juice box). Email us at if you do not know the name.
2. For ECi hosted clients, please see THIS LINK on accessing your apps.
4. Login using your credentials. Missing needed permissions? Please use THIS LINK on how to set access.
5. Select itt-dealers
Please see ID709, for instructions on setting users security access
Accessing SSRS Report:
1. Access via URL: http://<webserver>/reports
(replace <webserver> with the name of the server where the ceojuice software is installed, the Juice box). Email us at if you do not know the name.
2. see this link for more details on accessing HERE
3. see this link for security requirements to access SSRS reports HERE
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All variables are only required if you're using the matching code (conditioncodes, statuscodes, billcodes, territrycodes, etc.). Most dealerships will use just one of the codes, but some might mix.
The custom property variables are not required, but if you want run the app for 'only dealerships', then we need the customertypes and the vendor custom property to filter to only customers/vendors flagged as a dealership.
By populating the variables on your ID945 subscription, the app will automatically populate with those filter indicators:
Variable1: ShipOut Condition Code(s) - If you use the equipment condition code to identify equipment shipped out of your territory and is being service by another dealer, then indicate the condition code(s) you use here. (Separate list with commas)
Variable2: ShipOut Status(s) - If you use the equipment status code to identify equipment shipped out of your territory and is being service by another dealer, then indicate those status code(s) you use here. (Separate list with commas)
Variable3: ShipOut BillCode(s) - If you use the equipment billcode to identify equipment shipped out of your territory and is being service by another dealer, then indicate those billcode(s) you use here. (Separate list with commas)
Variable4: ShipOut Territory(s) - If you use the equipment territory to identify equipment shipped out of your territory and is being service by another dealer, then indicate those territory(s) you use here. (Separate list with commas)
Variable5: ShipIn Status(s) - If you use the equipment status to identify equipment shipped-in to your dealership you are servicing for another dealer, then indicate those status(s) you use here. (Separate list with commas)
Variable6: ShipIn ConditionCode(s) - If you use the equipment condition to identify equipment shipped-in to your dealership you are servicing for another dealer, then indicate those conditioncode(s) you use here. (Separate list with commas)
Variable7: VendorCustomerLink - We suggest that you create a custom property (an attribute that has a datatype of 'Lookup' and for the 'Lookup type:' and from the the drop 'Customers (Number)'...and the lookuptype will be stored as 'AR_CUSTOMER_NUMBER' ) . You would assign this attribute to your Configuration (custom properties) that is associated to the Vendor table.
This is the only way we can truly determine that a dealer you are servicing equipment for (typically setup as customers for you to bill the dealer) may also be servicing equipment for you (where they are a vendor).
Of course, you might be shipping equipment out to a dealership who does not have any equipment shipped in for you to service, but the missing 'link' helps us identify to you who you are spending money with and they might not be sending you business.
Variable8: Dealer CustomerType(s) - This is where you tell the alert what customertype you use to assign to Dealers so that we can advise you of any vendors/customers you are doing shipin/shipout business with are not set correctly.
Some clients have 2 for 'Dealer' and another for 'PreferredDealer' so their staff knows which dealers are first choice for shipouts.
Variable9: VendorAttributeName for Type - If you have created a custom property attribute associate a vendor 'type' (like we have for customers) , please provide us the name of the custom property you have setup.
This would be used to tag a vendor as a 'Dealer' for example, when you didn't have a reciprocating relationship where they shipped equipment in for you to service (meaning you don't have a corresponding 'customer' record created for this vendor)
VariableW: ShipOut Territory Begins With - If you created a territory for every shipout dealer, you might have hundreds of territories that indicate a shipout. If you coded your shipout territories to start with a the same characters ('OTT' for example), then input the 'begins with' characters here (separate list with comma).
VariableX: ShipIn Territory(s) begins with - If you created a territory for every shipin dealer, you might have hundreds of territories that indicate a shipin. If you coded your shipinterritories to start with a the same characters ('ITT' for example), then input the 'begins with' characters here (separate list with comma).
App Functionality
App and SSRS Report Functionality
App Functionality and Filters:
Navigating to the Ship In-Out Validate tab of the App you'll see filter selections. Note that whatever selections are in the variables of ID945 in the alerts website will populate here automatically.
Filter indicators for Ship In and Ship Out based on Equipment Record:
Filter indicators based on Customer and Vendor settings to identify:
Note many of the drop-down filters have option to select/de-select ALL and can select more than one:
Scrolling down on the same Ship In-Out Validate tab of the App you'll see the report has a summary header (in blue). Below that you'll see a hyperlink (1) to see details of Equipment Record and update e-automate live with new coding. (2) If equipment is configured for ID890 ITT Sync, then will indicate any errors with syncing here.
To make changes to the equipment line item you're reviewing within the app and have it also update within e-automate, click on the hyper link for the equipment in the Equipment Number column.
Once you've made your updates, click the Save button at the top above the screen seen in screen shot below and the changes will be made in e-automate immediately. Or click the Back button to leave without saving.
Navigating to the Issues tab (for users of ID890 ITT Sync), it will list equipment that has configuration issues within e-automate that are causing the equipment to not properly sync for ID890. See below for explanations of how to resolve issues within the sections marked 1 and 2 in screen shot below.
(1) Dealers / Customer Records set with ZCJ_InitDate but missing ZCJ_DealerNumber
Should look like this:
(2) Equipment configured as both a ShipIn and ShipOut will cause ID890 ITT Sync to NOT work. Equipment can only be set with Dealers Tech Record (ShipOut) OR with Dealers Bill To Customer Record (NOT BOTH):
SSRS Functionality and Filters:
For those still using the SSRS Report version (all variable info above still corresponds):
The 1st page shows you your ShipIn and ShipOut dealers and the # of equipment and # of contracts for each, sorted alphabetically. The 2nd page is sorted with the highest # of Equipment at the top so you can see who you do the most business with. The 3rd page shows it by Customer and then Contract. Perhaps you are renewing a contract and need to talk to all dealers who service equipment on that contract, use page 3 for this.
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
We suggest a few Best Practices in eAuto to identify:
1. Use Equipment Condition of ShipOut and another Condition of ShipIn
2. Set Customer Records who are another dealer with Customer Type of Dealer
3. Set Vendor Records who are another dealer with Custom Property identifying as Dealer Vendor (Some dealers may want to have additional types to identify their preferred choice, perhaps Preferred Dealer or CDA Dealer as well as Dealer.)
eAuto Equipment Record:
Set equipment shipped to your company with Condition Code: ITT ShipIn
Set equipment serviced by another dealer for your company with Condition code: ITT ShipOut
eAutomate Customer Record for Dealer:
Dealers customer type to: Dealer
eAutomate Vendor Record for Dealer:
Custom Properties
- Customer Number: Set to the customer number for the dealer
- Vendor Customer Type: Set to Dealer
Dealers have many different ways they identify ShipIns and ShipOuts and we have to allow for all. Hence there are A LOT of variables. However you only need to use the variables that apply to you. We also give you a date range so you can see who serviced what, for any time period. If you update the variables on the alert we will auto populate those fields on the app.
[For ShipOuts this report looks at all vendor vouchers linked to a contract (with or without a machine linked). Also, you have the option to filter these vendor invoices (ShipOuts) to only those where the equipmentid was not left blank AND where the equipment condition / territory / status / billcode matches the selected parameters (which would mean that it would ignore any vendor invoices linked to the contract but not a specific machine. If you apply the filter then the report would be returning only dealers/vendors where the equipment records were configured to your standards.]
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID195 - ITT Equipment Changes from Selling to Servicing Dealer Overview & Sample:
ID318 - ITT Shop Out Revenue Allocations SSRS Report Overview & Sample:
ID890 - Servicing Dealer Sync Set Up Overview & Sample:
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