API credentials for both HP SDS Action Center and MPS Monitor.
Jump to a specific section by clicking on the link:
Overview | Variables | API Details | Alert Functionality | Related Alerts
This process integrates with the HP SDS or MPSM API and is required for any other CEO Juice processes that will leverage HP SDS or MPSM data. To use this alert with both HP SDS and MPS Monitor, you'll need to create a clone of the alert so that you have one alert for each set of credentials. See the Alert Functionality section for the integrations that this API integrates with.
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Variable 8: Select which DCA Platform you are using with MPS Monitor (MPS Monitor OR HP SDS Action Center), use drop down to select:
Variable 2: Filter the import to only a specific Dealer in MPSM/HPSDS. Enter the Dealer Code. (OPTIONAL)
Variable 3 OR Variable 4: API Credentials
Once you enter your API credentials as instructed HERE, then you can come back to Variable 3 or Variable 4 (whichever applies to your subscription) and use the drop-down to point to the proper credential set.
Cloned Subscription
If you would like to integrate BOTH MPS Monitor and HP SDS Action Center, please subscribe to ID311 twice using the plus (+) sign after your first subscription is completed populating Variable 8 with the other DCA Platform and its own e-automate Meter Source:
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API Details
We need your API Details entered by you on our website as shown below. The user entering on our website will need 'Customer Admin' security role - ask us at help@ceojuice.com if you need to know who has this role.
Please enter credentials on our website (https://www.ceojuice.com/CustomerAdmin/Integrations) via Profile / Integrations:
Select MPS Monitor or HP SDS Action Center:
Enter API credentials here: (see below on where to set):
Credentials needed for MPS Monitor:
Credentials needed:
These values will need to be created from Developers Menu / API Key Management (requires elevated user rights)
**Do not reuse any existing Keys or Users used elsewhere
Creating an API key for CEO Juice
Log into MPS Monitor or HP SDS Action Center Portal:
- Go to Developers
- Then API Key Management
- Next go to API keys Click +Create New
The first thing that needs to be done to Enable the MPS Monitor or HP SDS Action Center integration with eAutomate via CEO Juice is gather the Client ID and Client Secret from your MPS Monitor.
Once You Click ‘Save’ you will be presented with a temporary box that contains the Client Secret.
IMPORTANT: This is the only time the client Secret is displayed so you must record it and save it so it can be included in the information posted to the CEO Juice subscription advanced screens.
Creating a User for CEO Juice
- Log into Portal
- Got to API Users
- Next go to API Users Click +Create New
Activate the "Use dealer's hierarchy' if the account needs to access the dealer's hierarchy data as well (used for those with multiple dealer's).
Please email us at help@ceojuice.com once credentials are entered on our website.
Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
The function of this alert is to hold the API credentials for HP SDS and MPSM and pull data from those DCA's to various background tables that work with other CEO Juice processes. You will need to be subscribed to the process noted below for each CEO Juice process.
Active: Integration is available for all clients
Beta: Integration is currently in the Beta testing process and not yet available
ID968 - Meters - Active
This process will populate the meter tables, the meters are inserted with ID968.
ID634 - Sales Orders - Active
This process will pull information regarding low toner alerts and create sales orders using ID634.
By default, our process will not create a new Sales Order if it finds an open Sales Order for the same Equipment, toner color or one fulfilled in the last 10 days. The process DOES assume just-in-time delivery, meaning the expectation is for the customer to replace the toner soon after receiving it.
The description of the created sales order will be: MPSM via CEO Juice ID311.
The customer is derived from the serial number on the DCA alert, the serial number is also used to link an equipment record and contract to the sales order to be created. The branch on the sales order is pulled from the branch assigned to the equipment record. The sales rep is pulled from the customer record.
ID350 - Toner Supply App - Beta
This process can pull information from the DCA into the ID350 toner supply app.
ID147 and ID774 - Power BI Dashboards - Active
The data from the DCAs can be pulled into various Power BI dashboards:
- Unmanaged devices - ID147
- Quarterly Business Report - ID774
ID815 - Workflow Process (If This Then That) - Beta
Once the sales order has been created in e-automate with ID634, you can use ID815 to create a workflow that will automatically create the linked purchase order.
Future options for this alert - Planned but not available for Beta, no ETA at this time
- Report on devices that have been moved.
- Updating the managed/non-managed status in the DCA so dealers don't overpay.
- Post the machine's IP and MAC address to e-automate.
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID147 - Power BI Non Managed Devices
ID288 - Notify Tech for New DCA Install
ID350 - Supply Entry App
ID634 - Supply Order Creation
ID774 - Customer Business Review
ID815 - If This Then That Workflow
ID968 - Insert Meter Readings from External Sources