ID325 is an audit report that tracks both newly created customer records and modifications to existing records in eAutomate.
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Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts
Description of alert:
ID325 is an audit report that tracks both newly created customer records and modifications to existing records in eAutomate, focusing on critical fields. This alert enables multiple users to create/edit records while centralizing review responsibilities by sending an audit report to a designated reviewer. This setup reduces bottlenecks by allowing broader record access. For new records, all details are displayed; for modified records, the report shows both original and updated field values, making it easy to verify updates.
How does the alert work:
Once installed, ID325 begins building a comparison table that tracks and stores changes and new records from the installation date forward. The alert relies on eAutomate’s “last updater” field to identify the most recent user who clicked OK on a customer record, even if no changes were made. For further details, see Alert Functionality.
Historical Data Limitation:
Please note that eAutomate does not store historical data on changes to records prior to the installation of this alert. As a result, the alert cannot report on any changes made before the installation date; tracking begins only from the date the alert is activated.
Run Schedule: Daily
Type of Output: Email
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New Records: A sample row displaying all details for a newly created customer record.
Modified Records: A row showing both original and updated values for modified fields, with the “last updater” field highlighted.
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Variable W: Default value is blank for ALL
Branch Number(s)
Enter Branch Number(s) to trigger on, separate by comma, or leave blank for ALL
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
Step-by-Step Instructions and Examples for Tracking Newly Created and Modified Customer Records with Alert ID325 in eAutomate
1. Creating a New Customer Record
- Open New Record: In eAutomate, select the option to create a New Customer Record.
- Fill Out Details: Complete all required fields.
- Save the Record: Click OK to save the new customer record.
- Result in Report: The alert captures the entire set of fields for newly created records, displaying them as complete entries in the report for review.
Example for New Records:
- If you create a new customer record with the name “ABC Corp,” address “123 Main St,” and phone number “555-1234,” the report will include all these details. This allows the reviewer to see the full context of each newly added record.
2. Modifying an Existing Customer Record
- Locate Existing customer Record: In eAutomate, navigate to the Customer panel and locate the specific record you want to modify.
- Open in Edit Mode: Double-click the customer record to open it in edit mode.
- Make Modifications: Update any fields as needed, such as changing the address or updating contact information.
- Save Changes: Click OK to save your modifications.
- Result in Report: For modified records, the alert will display both the original and updated values for each changed field, enabling easy verification.
Example for Modified Records:
- If the phone number for “ABC Corp” is updated from “555-1234” to “555-5678,” the report will display both the original and updated phone numbers, along with the name of the “last updater” who saved the change. This side-by-side comparison helps in confirming the accuracy of modifications.
3. Understanding the “Last Updater” Field
The “last updater” field records the last person to click OK on a record, even if no changes were made. This field is used for both new and modified records and can sometimes display a user as the updater even if they didn’t edit the record. Using Cancel instead of OK can avoid updating this field when no changes are intended.
Example of “Last Updater” Behavior:
- John updates the customer address at 11 AM and clicks OK, marking him as the “last updater.” Later, Susie opens the same record, makes no changes, but clicks OK at 2 PM. Susie is now recorded as the “last updater,” even though she didn’t make an edit. When the alert runs, it will show Susie as the updater, which can be misleading if she didn’t actually make changes.
4. View the Alert Report
When the alert runs, it generates a report that includes:
- New Records: Complete details for all newly created customer records., including ‘updated by’.
- Modified Records: Side-by-side original and updated values for fields that changed, along with the “last updater” who saved the record.
- New Records: Complete details for all newly created customer records., including ‘updated by’.
5. Consider Limitations in the Report
Last Updater Caution: Keep in mind that the “last updater” field may not always reflect the true person who made the change:
- Users who open a record and click OK without making changes will still appear as the “last updater.”
- Updates cascading across related records (e.g., from customer to equipment records) may reflect an incorrect updater due to the way eAutomate tracks updates across tables. This alert is only tracking changes to the customer record.
- See this post on how last updater determined for this report.
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
- Alert defaults to running daily. You can choose an appropriate run frequency based on the volume of customer record updates to ensure timely review.
- Note the limitations with the “last updater” field, as described in the functionality section, to interpret results accurately.
- Utilize the ‘cancel’ button when not making changes to avoid ‘last updater’ limitation.
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID82 - New Customer Record created
ID83 - New Vendor Record created
ID84 - New Item Record created
ID139 - Daily Summary of New Customer Records Created over the last 24 hours
ID168 - New Model Record created
ID169 - Item Change Audit
ID174 - Contract Change Audit
ID444 - New Contact Records created
ID611 - Equipment Change Audit
ID638 - Bill Code Change Audit
ID641 - Billing Account Code Change Audit
ID707 - New Record & Changes to Existing, Vendor Records
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