
White Cup (Compass Sherpa) Connection ID258 ID939 ID695 ID789 ID877

CEO Juice and SalesChain have now teamed to allow for quick easy access to various resources.


1. Net Promoter Score field (ID695) - just need to be on latest version for results to push through. You will need to work directly with Compass to allow users to view Net Promoter Score directly in Compass Sherpa. Any user with access to a particular account in Compass Sherpa will be able to view these fields for that account.

2. Key Services field (ID789), you will need to be sure this alert is running (not in test mode) and is pushing needed Custom Properties into e-automate for Key Services to populate in Compass. You will need to work directly with Compass to allow users to view Key Services directly in Compass Sherpa. Any user with access to a particular account in Compass Sherpa will be able to view these fields for that account.

3. Invoices report (ID939), be sure to complete needed variables for this alert subscription. Invoice(s) will send to email associated with Sales Rep email in Compass.

4. CEO Juice Reports button is ONLY for Survey Responses (ID877), pull Survey Responses from Sherpa directly and export to PDF if needed.

5. QBR (Quarterly Business Review) report (ID258), please see THIS LINK for needed variables on this alert subscription that affect filters. You will need to work directly with Compass to allow users to email the report from Compass Sherpa. Any user with access to a particular account in Compass Sherpa will be able to run the report for that account and can expect to receive email of report (in excel format) within 15 minutes of request. Report will send to email associated with Sales Rep email in Compass.

*The QBR pulls all child accounts from parent. It’s not built currently to be ‘the’ account. It works from the account selected to identify the ‘Parent’ account and then runs all accounts.

**Anyone listed in to:/cc: of your ID258 alert subscription will also receive the QBR requested from Compass. (bcc: will not send to anyone as it is intentionally not connected). Email will come from the email address listed in from: of your ID258 subscription. Subject line will start with "Requested Customer Review", followed by Account Name



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Set Up

Set Up

1) Reach out to Compass ( to ask them to set up the features you wish to set up.


2) Be sure your company is subscribed to each CEO Juice alert corresponding to the feature you wish to add to Compass.  **Pay attention to the variable settings!

Net Promoter Score (ID695)

Key Services (ID789)

Contract Invoices (ID939)

Survey Responses (ID877)

QBR (ID258)


3) Have your IT create a new SQL Login user (or use existing Sherpa SQL User). (**If you are ECi hosted, please reach out to ECi directly for these permissions to be set)

ceojuice database: db_datareader, db_datawriter and db_executor roles (or just db_owner) 

eAuto coClient database: minimum of db_datareader 


4) In Compass Sherpa, go to Admin Menu / Control Panel / Third Party Tools

*For ECi Hosted clients: Use the Server, Username, and Password you received when setting up the Compass-eAuto link; however, set Database to CEOJuice.



Server: Name of SQL Server where your e-automate database (which is also the EA SQL Server)

Database: CEOJuice

Username & Password: The SQL Login and Password per Step 3 above.

*for ECi Hosted clients: Use the Server, Username, and Password you received when setting up the Compass-eAuto link; however, set Database to CEOJuice.


5) Only used for Survey Responses (ID877) access - REQUIRED Report Settings in Compass. 


a. Enter the report number for the CEO Juice report/alert (ID877/Survey Responses) you’d like access to. Enter a report name which will be what your reps will select from to run the report, and click Add Report. 


b. In Compass go to Admin > Manage Users > Add/Edit Users. For any user you’d like to have access to a CEO Juice report from Sherpa, open their user record and under the CEO Juice Reports tab (bottom left), choose from the Available Reports which that particular user will have access to.


c. Once setup, your user can click the 'CEO Juice Reports' button from the eAuto interface in Sherpa.


d. The user will have a drop down of reports they are allowed to access (based on the Manage Users settings). They will (1) pick the report they want to run and (2) enter a number of months to run the report for.




6) Once done, the reps will be able to access under each Customer in Compass:



For the Quarterly Business Review (QBR):



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1. If you are not receiving all the data you expect, then please review your variable settings on both ID258 and ID939 subscriptions as those will effect the type and quantity of data provided.

ID258 Variables example:

**Pay special note to Variable1 - Rep can select History Months, but this is truly controlled by your ID258 subscription Variable1. The rep can request more months than Variable1 allows, BUT rep will only get the max number of months allowed per this variable


ID939 Variables example:


2. If you are not receiving the QBR or Invoices for the account you expect, make sure Compass has the same ERP Number as the Main Customer on the Contract Record in eAuto.

***The QBR pulls all child accounts from parent. It’s not built currently to be ‘the’ account. It works from the account selected to identify the ‘Parent’ account and then runs all accounts.



3. Please reference these hyperlinks for more details on each process:


ID939/Contract Invoices


4. If a user is seeing this error, check that the user setup has the correct ERP ID in Compass Sherpa. (Will need to contact Compass directly for further info on correct ERP ID, if needed.)



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