Of all of the Professional Services Automation (PSA) software options available, ConnectWise Manage is the most popular among our client base for ticketing and contract management. The CEO Juice integration syncs Customer information (ID747), Contracts (ID964), Service Calls (ID965 and ID912), Project Tickets (ID522), and Sales Orders (ID966).
Below is a 20-minute overview video of the integration, use the chapters to jump to the section for each part of the sync:
The video below is the what we learned webinar, which goes over why you need ConnectWise Manage.
- Must be on Connectwise 2015.3 or later, REST API was introduced in 2015.3. On-Premise or Hosted will both work.
- Must be on e-automate 8.7 or later, Serviceable items added then. Will work with either ECI Hosted or On-Premise.
- Not required, but we do suggest you enable the "HelpDesk Button" in e-automate.
- .NET Framework on the server must be version 4.6.1 or higher.
- Must be subscribed to ID747
- Serviceable items must be enabled in e-automate (see here for where to turn that on)
Alert overview
Alert Overview
- E-automate is the master for customer information.
- No information changed in ConnectWise pushes back to e-automate.
- No contacts are updated or inserted.
Full details on the customer sync are here.
- ConnectWise is the master for agreement information.
- Agreement invoices are the trigger for the sync.
- Templates are used in e-automate to create items and contracts.
Full details on the agreement sync are here.
ID965 - Service Ticket Sync
- Closed service tickets or invoiced service tickets sync from ConnectWise to e-automate.
- Information is a one-time pull from ConnectWise to e-automate.
- Bill codes in e-automate determine how the call is billed, or you can override the bill codes and pull the hours and rate from ConnectWise.
Full details are here on ID965.
ID912 - Moving Calls from e-automate to ConnectWise
- Calls in e-automate are assigned to a specified technician and a linked call is then created in ConnectWise.
- Notes are added to the call in e-automate as the ticket is worked in ConnectWise.
- Time entries from the ticket in ConnectWise are brought back to e-automate via ID965.
Full details on ID912 are here.
ID522 - Project Invoice Sync
- Invoiced project tickets will sync to e-automate as service calls.
- All project tickets invoiced together will be linked to one work order in e-automate so that they can all bill together.
- Fixed fee projects will bill with the fixed fee added as a part to the service call. All labor entries will sync at no charge.
- Billing by project phase, or completed project is supported.
Full details on ID522 are here.
ID966 - Sales Order Sync
- Sales orders in a specific status in ConnectWise will sync to e-automate.
- ID966 pulls the information from ConnectWise.
- ID634 creates the order in e-automate.
- Items are created in e-automate based on the product type templates.
- One-time pull of information from ConnectWise, changes to the order in ConnectWise post sync will not push to e-automate.
For more details on ID966 - Sales Orders.
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Set Up
Set Up
The customer sync should always be the first alert that you set up, the customer mapping that is done with this alert is used in all other alerts and is required. From there, subscribe and test the alerts that relate to the processes that you are using in ConnectWise. The usual order is to move to agreements after customers are set up, then to service calls or sales orders, depending on usage in ConnectWise. There is some overlap between the syncs, though none are required beyond the customer sync.
The service sync utilizes the agreement-to-contract mapping from the agreement sync, finding the correct contract to attach to service calls created by the service sync is made easier when the agreement sync is running. The same is true for the project invoice sync.
When using the ID912 sync to create calls in ConnectWise, you will need to be running ID965 if you want the completed ticket information from ConnectWise to sync back to e-automate.
Each piece of the integration can be tested separately and moved to production separately. You can have the customer sync running in production while testing the other pieces of the integration. Once an alert has moved to production, it cannot be moved back to testing, so it's important to test all scenarios prior to moving the sync to production.
Jump to: Subscribe to Alerts | Testing Setup | EA to CW Mapping | EA Settings | CW Settings
Subscribe to Alerts
Subscribe to Alerts
The first step to setting up the integration will be to subscribe to the alerts that you want to implement:
Testing Setup
Testing Setup
1. API Keys in ConnectWise – All pieces of the sync work by pulling/updating/inserting information through the ConnectWise API, you'll need to create API keys for us to access the API. Details on creating API keys are here.
2. ConnectWise test Database – If using a test ConnectWise database, you’ll need to create a set of API keys for that database. Details on creating API keys are here.
3. e-automate test Database – A test database is required for testing. See this link for notes on creating a test e-automate database. **It's very important that this test database is NOT updated while the sync is being tested**
4. CEOJuice test database – To properly test the syncs, we'll need a dev copy of our CEOJuice database. See this link for notes on creating a test CEOJuice database.
EA to CW Mapping
EA to CW Mapping
1. Customers and locations need to be mapped from ConnectWise to e-automate. This is required for all integration pieces. Details on how to map customers here and locations here.
2. Technicians and sales reps need to be mapped between the two systems, technicians for service calls and sales reps for sales orders. Details on how to map technicians here and sales reps here.
3. For the agreement sync, billing cycles need to match between the two systems, details on that are here.
4. For the service ticket and project invoice sync, ticket types in ConnectWise map to call types in e-automate. Details on that mapping are here. Also, work types from ConnectWise map to activity codes in e-automate. Details on that mapping are here.
EA Settings
EA Settings
1. Serviceable as an item needs to be enabled for the agreement sync and service sync. Details on that are here.
2. To better match service billing in ConnectWise, we recommend turning on the option to enable aggregate billing. Details on that are here.
CW Settings
CW Settings
1. There are several custom fields that can be created in ConnectWise to hold optional information:
Customer Sync:
ZCJ_OnHoldCode - contains the on-hold code from e-automate.
ZCJ_SalesRepName - contains the sales rep name assigned to the customer record in e-automate.
ZCJ_SalesRepEmail - contains the sales rep email for the rep assigned to the customer record in e-automate.
Details here on how to create these here.
Agreement Sync:
ZCJ_ContractNumber - to hold the contract number from e-automate. Can be used to link agreements to existing contracts.
ZCJ_ItemNumber - to hold the item number from e-automate. Can be used to link products to existing items where the product ID doesn't match the item number in e-automate.
Details here on how to create these here.
Sales Order Sync:
ZCJ_Order_type - A drop-down field in ConnectWise with options for the sales order type to use in e-automate.
ZCJ_Warehouse - A drop-down field in ConnectWise with warehouse options to use in e-automate.
ZCJ_EAStatus - Updated with the sales order status from the order in e-automate.
ZCJ_ShipMethod - A drop-down field in ConnectWise with shipping options to use on the order in e-automate.
Details here on how to create these here.
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Sync Functionality
Sync Functionality
Jump to: Companies/Customers | Products/Items | Agreements/Contracts | Service Tickets/Calls | Sales Orders | Projects
Companies in ConnectWise are Customers in e-automate; sites in ConnectWise are child locations in e-automate.
The customer sync will ONLY update companies in ConnectWise based on a main (parent) customer in e-automate and ONLY update sites in ConnectWise based on a location (child) customer in e-automate.
ConnectWise Companies will be updated from their corresponding e-automate Customer. The mapping between e-automate and ConnectWise is done via a custom property on the e-automate customer record. Details on that are here. The sync works by looking at records updated in e-automate since the last run (every 15 minutes, the initial sync will look back 10 years for records updated) Changes made in e-automate will be pushed to ConnectWise. You can update and insert customers from e-automate to ConnectWise. No changes made on the company record in ConnectWise will push back to e-automate.
The sync will update a custom field in ConnectWise (ZCJ_OnHoldCode) with the on-hold code for the customer in e-automate. This is an information-only field, the sync will NOT put a company in ConnectWise on hold.
Fields that are updated: Name, Address Line1, City, State, Zip, Phone Number, Fax Number, Website, Hold Code (in the Custom Field.)
No contacts are synced between the two systems.
Full details on the customer sync are here.
Products in ConnectWise are items in e-automate.
The sync will create items in e-automate as needed to be added to contracts and sales orders. The sync is looking for an exact match between the item number in e-automate and the product ID in ConnectWise, if no match is found, the item will be created. If you have existing items in e-automate that match to ConnectWise, please review these items to ensure they have the proper coding.
Our process will create several Item “templates” in e-automate. An item template is simply an item we can copy, that is linked to the correct GL codes. See here for more details on the item templates. You will have one item template for each product type in ConnectWise.
For Agreements, items are only going to support contracts, so all Items are non-inventory, serviceable items. Items created for sales orders will need to have a sales code and either an inventory or an expense code assigned.
Agreements in ConnectWise are contracts in e-automate.
E-automate contracts are updated based on the agreement invoice from ConnectWise. This ensures that e-automate’s billing matches the billing from ConnectWise.
When creating new contracts in e-automate, a “template” is used, similar to Items. A contract template is simply a non-billing contract, with the customer as your dealership, that we can copy, update the customer and add the line items. See here for details on the contract templates.
WE MUST CREATE THE LINE ITEMS ON CONTRACTS AND CAN NOT SYNC TO EXISTING LINE ITEMS. The e-automate contract must ONLY contain items on the ConnectWise agreement. When syncing to existing contracts, all current line items will be terminated by the sync, and new items added. You can "group bill" with other contracts in e-automate.
To determine if an agreement should update an existing contract or insert a new one, sync first looks to its internal tables. If this agreement has already been synced to a contract, that contract will always be updated by this agreement. If there is no sync record for this agreement, the sync will next look at the ZCJ_ContractNumber custom field. If a value was manually entered here, the indicated contract will be updated. If there is no sync record and the custom field is not populated, sync will insert a new contract in e-automate.
The contract template for inserts is selected based on matching the agreement type in ConnectWise to the contract template in e-automate. If no corresponding contract template exists, the default contract template will be used.
Contract details are added based on the agreement invoice line items. Contract details will reflect any price changes, pro-ration, name/description overrides, etc.
Full details on the agreement sync are here.
Service Tickets
Service tickets in ConnectWise are service calls in e-automate.
The ID965 service sync will pull closed service tickets or invoiced tickets from ConnectWise and insert them into e-automate as Ok to Invoice service calls. This is a one-directional pull from ConnectWise to e-automate; once the ticket is pushed, no updates made in ConnectWise will affect the service call in e-automate.
See here for more details on the service ticket sync.
There is also an option to move calls between e-automate and ConnectWise. This is ID912, details on that sync are here.
Sales Orders
Sales orders in ConnectWise are sales orders in e-automate.
The ID966 sales order sync will take orders in a specified status in ConnectWise and insert them into e-automate as sales orders. The sync will create any needed items that do not exist already in e-automate. These items will be created based on the item templates, these correlate to the product types in ConnectWise.
The sales order sync works in conjunction with ID634, the alert used to insert sales orders into e-automate.
See here for more details on the sales order sync.
Project tickets in ConnectWise are service tickets in e-automate.
When project tickets are invoiced in ConnectWise, they will sync to e-automate as OK to Invoice service calls using the ID522 sync. The service calls are created in e-automate based on the same logic as the ID965 service call sync.
Projects can be billed at completion or by phase, both are supported by the sync. Fixed fee projects are also supported, when the service call is created in e-automate for these invoices, the fixed fee amount is added as a non-inventory part.
See here for further details on the project invoice sync.
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
Jump to: Suggested Accounts |
Suggest Accounts and Product Types
Suggested Accounts and Product Types
See below for our suggested list of Product Types and the GL accounts they would tie to in e-automate.
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID747 - Customer Inserts/Updates
ID912 - Moving Calls
ID964 - Agreement Sync
ID965 - Service Call Sync
ID966 - Sales Order Sync
ID522 - Project Invoice Sync
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