
Surveys integrated in to other processes

We offer lots of options to survey your customers, most are a link included in a piece of information your customer is happy to get. We see a 70% reduction in response rate for our surveys that are not. We also see the best response from surveys that are fully automated. 

Our closed call survey (ID109) is our most popular, fully automated, and linked to an email that says, "service is complete, checking that everything is working ok". Our 2nd most popular is linked to supply order (ID200), where we say "your package has shipped, click here to track it, click here to give us feedback on our supply process". 3rd is our equipment install process (ID312) which is a "thank you for your order, here is how to do business with us, click here to give us feedback on how we did". This process is rarely automated and sees a lower response. Since we started in 2009 our average response for ID109 is 11.9% while ID312 is 2.18%. Surveys not linked to any info have responses below 1%.


For our service call survey we know who the tech on the call is as well as the dispatcher. We can therefore report on the question "rate our technician overall" on our technician productivity report (ID204), we can also rank your dispatchers based on "rate dispatch overall", we see lots of clients have bonus programs based on these. We know who the sales rep is (either from eAuto or your CRM) so when the question "have a salesperson contact me" is answered yes we can copy the rep on the account, plus include their manager based on eAuto data.

We can have a survey question to ask your customers if they want to be notified when the tech is on the way and turn on ID181 for those that say yes.

We can notify the technician when they are dispatched to a service call and the caller was a Detractor (scored them low on previous call) to remind the tech to get "the white gloves on" (ID559). We also can update Service & Sales Message with NPS Detractor Information (ID612). We can also push Promoters to marketing tools Like HubSpot (ID437) and create a list of Promoters working at companies not using all of your Key Services (ID789)

We push the survey results back to eAuto as well as providing you a free dashboard, your CRM guys can then pull those survey results back to the CRM. We provide an eView (ID695) for results so you can do things like see NPS results by model. We also show the survey results in our Quarterly Business Review (ID258) so the rep can review with decision maker.

We push Net Promoter Scores into things like our contract profit reports, if you are losing money on a contract but the customer loves your service could the rate be increased. We have a process to sync your ITT calls with other dealers (ID890) and you have the option to share your NPS score (ID785) for dealers deciding who to outsource service to.

We email a brochure to your company that sales can use to show NPS results (ID470), we allow you to share your NPS score with peer groups like the CDA (ID785), each year start we publish awards to companies with "world class service", we let you compare your NPS score to other dealers like you, we can "certify" your NPS numbers and push them to your site.

Our dashboard allows you to flag "favorite comments" from your customers (ID125) and we can push these to your site or a big screen in your office. We can email Promoters and ask them to post on Yelp etc. (ID765).

We offer additional surveys from other platforms like Sherpa CRM or ConnectWise ticketing. Go to our site and pick a TAG of Surveys and a TAG of NPS to see more.

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